Our Partners

Explore our partners to organize your legal management as smoothly as possible.

AskQ logo white background
152-flag AskQ
Ask Q is a team of legal professionals that help businesses to optimize their legal work and implement new technologies.
investcee logo white background
169-flag InvestCEE
Investcee works with corporate in-house departments, law firms and business teams to help engage with legal technology tools.

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ictrecht logo white background
103-flag ICTRecht
ICTRecht helps organisations with legal and security-related issues within the digital domain. Discover their training courses, news, tips and team on their website.
deloitte legal logo white background
152-flag Deloitte Legal
Deloitte Legal is a full service business law firm, highly recommended by the most authoritative legal guides.

Why become a partner

1 + 1 = 3

Your expertise and our technology is a powerful synergy that unlocks new avenues for growth and innovation. Together we reinforce each other in the ecosystem.

Privileged training and support

Upon joining, you'll enter our comprehensive training program, designed to quickly familiarize you with our platform, features, and benefits.

Early access to new releases
You'll have firsthand insight into upcoming features, enhancements, and strategic updates before they become public knowledge. This ensures that you're always one step ahead.
Agio Legal Picture

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Christoph Michiels, partner at Deloitte Legal
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