Your journey to success

Our Customer Success team ensures that your organization fully adapts Corporify and can make your legal management process as smooth as possible.

Kick-off call and onboarding workshop

In a first meeting, we analyse how we can in the most efficient way transfer data to Corporify and how we can increase the adoption of the sofware by your team.

You will get a structured project overview and action plan with the responsibles, deliverables and associated timings.

Contact us for more information.

Data Migration

Our team of experienced legal professionals will assist you in converting your data from a variety of legacy entity management systems as well as from spreadsheets and paper registers.

Contact us for more information.

Data validation & training

To ensure a successful implementation and to maximize all of Corporify's benefits, we offer in-depth trainings. The format of these sessions can vary from 1-on-1 trainings, to webinars & collaborative workshops. Remote or on-premise, according to your preference.

 Contact us for more information

Roll-out in the company

If and need be, we can share best practices on how to efficiently roll-out the use of Corporify accross the different teams and countries in which your company is active.

Contact us for more information.

Continuous support

Making our customers successful is in our DNA. We are easily accessible via different channels (including an online knowledge base, a responsive helpdesk, and a dedicated customer success team).

Contact us for more information.

Start simplifying your legal entity management with Corporify

See for yourself how the Corporify LEM platform can help companies better manage information about their legal entities, your team be more effective and improve collaboration with teams and stakeholders.

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